Transcription Jobs

At 1-888-TYPE-IT-UP we know that transcription requires hard work and skill. Contrary to what other transcription companies will have you believe, transcription isn't just something anyone can do. As such, we're looking for the best and brightest. We have many talented transcriptionists on our current team, but we're always looking for new talent too.

If you're interested in becoming a transcriptionist for 1-888-TYPE-IT-UP, please fill out the job application below. We will do our best to respond to you as soon as we can. Please understand that we strive to keep the telephone line open for clients, so we ask for no phone calls from applicants, please. It is imperative that we test both your transcription accuracy and your ability to follow directions. Ergo, any phone call from an applicant results in an automatic failure of that applicant's transcription test.

If you have questions about the application process or about working for us in general, we've put together an applicant FAQ page that answers the most common questions we receive from applicants on a daily basis. Please note we do not have a WPM requirement. We are only interested in accuracy, not speed.



Last Updated: Friday, October 4, 2024

Want helpful tips on becoming a successful transcriptionist?

Check out our transcription services blog for our thoughts on headphones, foot pedals, and more.

If 1-888-TYPE-IT-UP isn’t a good fit for you, or if you’re looking for an additional transcriptionist job, we recommend checking Jooble. 



The #1 most frequently asked question by applicants is, how much do you pay? Although our focus is on quality and accuracy, we understand the practicality of knowing whether our transcription work will be worth your while. Our transcriptionists make $30 to $180 per audio hour, and we strive to pay at least $1 to $2 per audio minute ($60 to $120 per audio hour) and higher when possible. Pay rates vary per assignment depending on how much clients are willing to pay. Please keep in mind that we cannot pay 100 percent of what our clients pay, as we do have to pay transcript editors and project managers as well as a number of fees associated with doing business. In addition, costs for search engine advertising are extremely high, ranging anywhere from $5 to $25 per click every time anyone, even a job seeker, clicks on an ad in Google, Bing or Yahoo. All that said, you should know that every day we are behind the scenes fighting for you all to make the wage you deserve despite our unethical competitors' efforts to tear down the transcription industry. That's why our transcription wage of $30 to $180 per audio hour far surpasses that of our competitors who only pay $10 to $24 per audio hour.


There is a one-time, non-refundable entrance exam fee of $59. The entrance exam fee is similar to the fee you would pay to take the GRE or SAT. It's also similar to an application fee you would pay to apply to a college or university. 

We’ve been in business since 2012, and we’ve been charging the entrance exam fee since February 2017. Unfortunately, we have found it is very time consuming to review the job applications and transcription tests. The fee pays for the exam materials, and it goes directly to the staff member who will be taking time to review your exam and provide specific feedback on any errors you make. Unlike other transcription companies, we provide specific feedback via our live chat that details every error you make on the exam. This helps ensure that all applicants, regardless of whether they pass or fail, can improve and become successful transcriptionists.

We understand the entrance exam fee is controversial, but it has benefited everyone involved, including applicants themselves. Since we introduced the entrance exam fee, we now only receive applications from the most serious applicants, and as such, we've been able to respond to successful applicants within nine hours, one week or one month, all depending on the processing time you select on your application. Most importantly, the entrance exam fee ensures we review every application, and there is less competition for you as an applicant due to the fee reducing the number of applications.

There are no other costs required to work for us unless you do not have the basic requirements listed below (headphones, a Mac or PC, Microsoft Office and high-speed Internet).


We do accept applications from non-U.S. applicants. If you are outside the United States of America, you may transcribe for our non-U.S. clients. We have many clients outside the United States, so getting work is not a problem if your quality is good. If PayPal is not available in your country, we can pay you via SWIFT, Payoneer or Western Union.


We are the only transcription company still working with and accepting applications from California residents. Effective January 1, 2020, California Assembly Bill 5 (AB 5) prohibits companies from classifying California freelancers as independent contractors. California passed this bill to force rideshare companies like Lyft and Uber to classify their drivers as employees, but the bill has had the unfortunate result of affecting all California freelance workers, including writers, editors, actors, musicians, photographers, producers, directors, film crew members, and yes, even translators and transcriptionists.

As such, due to AB 5, transcription companies can no longer classify California residents as independent contractors without breaking the law. Other transcription companies do not have the infrastructure in place to make this transition, and unfortunately, it is significantly more expensive to classify transcriptionists as employees due to increased taxes, payroll costs, health insurance benefits, et cetera. As a result, other transcription companies have let go their California transcriptionists and blacklisted California residents from applications.

As a forward-thinking transcription company that has set itself apart from other transcription companies, we wanted there to be at least one option for California residents, even though this will require that everyone pays more for this possibility. With that in mind, there is an additional $100 application fee for California residents. There is also a one-time, non-refundable startup fee of $999 only after you pass the entrance exam and if/when you want to begin work. While we really hate having to charge these fees, we still wanted there to be an option for Californians, and we also still needed to offset our initial increased costs. Over time, we will end up paying significantly more than these fees, but they at least help offset our initial increases to taxes, payroll, and health care costs, all while making sure you are absolutely serious about the position before we increase our costs by adding you to payroll and health care plans as an employee. Our number of employees affects our taxes, payroll fees and health care costs, so it’s absolutely imperative you are serious about a career with us. If, in the end, you decide transcription is not for you, that’s fine too, as we will have covered most of our initial employee startup costs.


Any applicant may apply as an employee if he or she wishes to be classified as an employee. You do not have to be a California resident to apply as an employee.

Employees and independent contractors both set their own schedules via Google Calendar.

However, there are some differences to consider:


Independent contractors do not pay an additional non-refundable employee exam fee.
Independent contractors do not pay a non-refundable start-up fee after passing the entrance exam.
Independent contractors may work as little or as much as they want. There is no waiting period to work full time if they want to work full time.
Independent contractors do not receive an overtime pay differential.
Independent contractors do not receive health care benefits. 
Independent contractors complete a Form W-9 for tax purposes prior to starting work.  
Independent contractors receive a Form 1099-MISC by January 31 of each year if they made at least $600 with 1-888-TYPE-IT-UP in the previous calendar year. 
Independent contractors are responsible for deducting their own taxes.


Employees pay an additional $100 non-refundable employee exam fee. 
Employees pay a one-time, non-refundable start-up fee of $999 after passing the entrance exam if/when they want to start working. 
For the first 90 days, employees may not schedule themselves for more than 29 work hours per week, as we will classify them as part-time employees. 
After 90 days, we promote part-time employees to full-time positions if they want to work full time. Good performance (i.e. accurate, reliable, on-time transcription) is required for this promotion. Full-time employees may schedule themselves for up to eight work hours per day and up to 40 work hours per week. Overtime is available with manager approval.  
Part-time employees who choose to become full time after at least 90 days as a good-performing, part-time employee receive health care benefits if they want them. There is a 90-day waiting period for health care benefits; the waiting period begins the day they start the full-time employee position.   
Employees complete a Form W-4 for tax purposes prior to starting work.  
Employees receive a Form W-2 by January 31 of each year if they made at least $600 with 1-888-TYPE-IT-UP in the previous calendar year.
Employees do not have to deduct their own taxes.


To work for us, you will need the following: 

  • a computer — You may use a Mac or PC. A desktop or laptop is fine, but you may not use a Chromebook, iPad, tablet or cellphone.

  • A foot pedal is completely optional and not required. If you don't have a foot pedal, you can control the audio by setting up hotkeys on your keyboard through Express Scribe. One of our best transcriptionists does not use a foot pedal at all, though most people will find that a foot pedal increases their speed. If you'd like to purchase a foot pedal, we recommend the Infinity foot pedal on Amazon. However, the AltoEdge foot pedal is the only foot pedal compatible with the free version of Express Scribe.

    Some important things to consider about foot pedals:

    • Although you can purchase the AltoEdge foot pedal through Amazon, it's not currently available as an Amazon Prime purchase, so shipping and delivery take longer than usual.

    • The Infinity foot pedal is essentially the same foot pedal as AltoEdge for about half the price, but it is not compatible with the free version of Express Scribe. However, it is available through Amazon Prime, and as such, delivery typically occurs within one to two days. 

    • You may purchase any foot pedal you like, but if you're debating between the AltoEdge and Infinity foot pedals, it's worth considering whether you plan to purchase Express Scribe Professional. Purchasing both the Infinity foot pedal and Express Scribe Professional will end up costing about the same as buying the AltoEdge foot pedal without buying Express Scribe Professional.

    • You may also skip the foot pedal and use hotkeys on your keyboard instead to save money. However, not having a foot pedal will slow you down as you are transcribing. Read our blog post on foot pedals for more information.

  • a Google account (If you don't have Gmail, you may use your regular email address with a free Google account for Google Calendar.)

  • high-speed Internet

  • Microsoft Office — If you don't have Microsoft Office, we can provide a licensed subscription for $20 per month. We pay this fee directly to Microsoft. You can also purchase a one-year subscription to Microsoft Office through Amazon. If you don’t have Microsoft Office, we strongly recommend the one-month free trial of Office 365 available at Since this free trial is available, you may not use OpenOffice, WordPad or any another word processing alternative for the entrance exam.

  • Skype — We use Skype for instant messaging only; a webcam for video calls is not required. We require that you install the Skype app on your computer and your smartphone.


You will need Microsoft Office to work for us. You may not use OpenOffice, Google Docs, et cetera. 

Unlike other transcription services, we can provide a Microsoft Office subscription to you if you do not have Microsoft Office. We do have to pay a monthly fee for each Microsoft Office user, so if you need Microsoft Office, you will need to pay this fee to us on a monthly basis. The cost per month is $20. You may simply deduct the fee from your invoice on a monthly basis or submit payment to us however works best for you. The Microsoft Office fee goes directly to Microsoft upon receipt. We understand that paying for Microsoft Office is not desirable, but the software is very costly if you purchase it outright. Many transcriptionists have found our Office subscription beneficial, as it reduces the barrier to transcription entry and increases success in other areas (personal, school, employment, et cetera.) The Microsoft Office subscription will remain active with us as long as you pay the $20 monthly fee that directly pays Microsoft.

If you choose to purchase a Microsoft Office subscription from us, we can immediately send you a link to download the licensed software suite, which includes Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook and OneNote.

If you don't want to purchase a monthly subscription to Microsoft Office from us, you can purchase a one-year subscription to Microsoft Office through Amazon.

If you don’t have Microsoft Office, we strongly recommend the one-month free trial of Office 365 available at Since this free trial is available, you may not use OpenOffice, WordPad or any another word processing alternative for the entrance exam.


After submitting your application and entrance exam fee, our website will automatically redirect you to a secure download page to download the testing materials.

The transcription test involves transcribing two very short audio files. The total combined running time for both test audio files is only 2 minutes and 15 seconds. The test audio is clear with no accents or background noise. One test file has two speakers, and the other has three speakers.

We are not concerned with speed or words per minute (WPM). We are only concerned with accuracy and your ability to follow our formatting instructions. There is no time clock on the test, but you must submit your completed exam within one month from your application date. If you don’t submit your completed exam within one month from your application date, you will need to reapply if you would still like us to review your exam.

As of Monday, February 15, 2016, we began using an automated system that delivers the entrance exam via email as soon as you submit your application. As of Friday, January 18, 2019, we began using an automated system that redirects you to downloading the testing materials as soon as you submit your entrance exam fee. If you’ve already applied and have not received the entrance exam, please email, and one of our friendly team members will help you out.


Like any job or hiring process, we cannot guarantee an automatic response to those who we cannot bring on board. We strive to respond to every applicant within the processing time he or she selects on his or her application. If you do not hear from us, you may contact us via live chat to obtain your exam results once your processing time has elapsed.


If you do not pass the exam, we will provide your specific errors via the live chat. To reapply, you will need to fill out the job application and pay the exam fee again, but you will get to take the same exact exam with the same exact audio files so you will know exactly what to fix to pass on a subsequent attempt. You may reapply as soon as you want and as many times as you need.

With this in mind, please read the exam instructions carefully, and be sure to double-check your work.